Friday, December 7, 2012

Festive Food!

I like to try to make the food I make fit with the holiday or season. I made heart shaped muffins on Valentine's Day, Jack-o-lantern shaped pancakes around Halloween, and recently snowman shaped Rice Krispy treats. My latest attempt at being festive...the snowman pizza!

Here's the recipe:
1 1/2 cans of large biscuits (you can use more or less depending on the size you want your pizza to be)
A few tablespoons pizza  sauce (to taste)
Cheese (We used cheddar cheese, an Italian blend, and Kraft's new mozzarella cheese with Philadelphia cream cheese in it, and some feta on top)
Other toppings: pepperoni, olives, pineapple, etc.

1. Knead the biscuit dough into a large ball of dough. Roll it out onto you pan in the shape you want. I spread mine into two circles and then added a hat on top.
2. Spoon sauce onto the dough and spread it around, making sure to cover the entire pizza.
3. Sprinkle cheese on top of the sauce, once again making sure that you don't miss any spots.
4. Top with any additional toppings you want. We put pepperoni on the hat and feta all over.
5. Bake for about 15-20 minutes at 350 F.
6. Eat!

It didn't turn out perfect, (I probably could have been better at making it look like a snowman) but it sure did taste good!

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